The Owl A1 Large Gel System has the smallest footprint of a large format device giving you a space saving device for your extended runs. This system is ideal for detailed RNA/DNA analysis. The unit runs from 8 to 100 samples on 1 gel. A wall comb is available for running shorter gels and conserving agarose. A programmable power inverter may be used for field reversal electrophoresis. The system incorporates Owl’s end gate gel casting system. The UVT gel tray incorporates gasketed end gates which provide a leakproof seal without tape. Built in leveling ensures the casting of flat, uniformly thick gels. Sample loading is greatly enhanced using micro well pipette format combs (and a multichannel pipette) engineered specifically for use with this system. Using these combs and a multichannel pipette, samples may be loaded directly from a 96-well plate, 8 or 12 at a time. Sample loading with a multichannel pipette speed transfer and reduces chance of sample order error. Comb slots on the UVT gel tray are positioned so you can arrange up to 10 sample sets on the same gel.
Complete system includes buffer chamber with three point levelling base, lid with attached power supply, UV Transmissible (UVT) gel tray with gasketed end gates, and 3 combs (12, 16 and 20 wells, 1.0 mm thick)