New Lab Promotions

Get 25% in Free PYREX Reusable Glassware!

Stock your new lab with PYREX reusable glassware and enjoy free PYREX reusable or disposable glassware equal to 25% of your total purchase.

Example: Spend $1,000 on PYREX reusable glassware and get $250 in free PYREX reusable or disposable glassware.

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New Lab Checklist

We would like to help you get your New Lab off the ground and running !
We have devised a list of Lab Equipment and Consumables for your specific needs.

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New Lab Start-Up Program

To qualify for the WWMP New Lab Start-up Program, you must be starting a new lab or receiving a new research grant.
Please return this form to your WWMP Laboratory Consultant.

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