Kit Wmson Impvd Ekono-Case

Item No. 50045381
WILLIAMSON IMPROVED KIT All the components necessary to perform the experiments described in the Williamson text, Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments, are included. • 748100-0000 is packed in a rugged polyethylene storage case (2 1/2” H x 13 1/2” W x 10” D) with a die cut foam insert •
price per EA1
excl. tax
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All the components necessary to perform the experiments described in the Williamson text, Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments, are included.
• 748100-0000 is packed in a rugged polyethylene storage case (2 1/2” H x 13 1/2” W x 10” D) with a die cut foam insert
• 748100-0005 is in an EKONO-CASE™, a low-cost corrugated cardboard alternative to plastic
• Kits fit easily into lab bench drawers
• These MICROFLEX® kits feature patented chaste connectors and specially tooled glassware components, providing great versatility
• Glassware is manufactured from 33 expansion, low extractable borosilicate glass conforming to USP Type I and ASTM E438, Type I, Class A requirements

Components for Williamson Improved Standard Kit

ItemNumberItemDescriptionKit Qty.
748001-1000AConnecting Adapter1
748002-0000BFilter Adapter, Pluro Stopper1
748003-1000CThermometer Adapter1
411800-0015DCentrifuge Tube with Snap Cap, 15 mL1
420166-1001EChromatography Column, Glass 150 mm w/ Disc1
420163-1500FOne Way Stopcock, PE/Nylon1
748005-1000GConnector w/ Support Rod1
748005-1001HConnector Only1
748006-1100IDistillation Column1
748007-1060JDistillation Head, 60 mm1
748008-1005KShort Neck Flask, 5 mL1
748009-1005LLong Neck Flask, 5 mL1
882300-0010MErlenmeyer Flask, 10 mL3
748010-1025NFilter Flask, 25 mL1
748012-1000OHirsch Funnel, with Disc1
748013-1000PReaction Tube, 10 x 100 mm5
748014-1000QSpatula, S.S.1
774261-0008RSleeve Stoppers2
748019-0001SSyringe, Polyethylene1
420823-0116TTubing, PTFE, 1/16” fits 20 gauge needle2
764100-1001UPipet, 1 mL1
791145-0021VStir Bars, 4 x 12 mm, 2 per vial1
748005-1651WConnector Only, FKM1
748001-0003Foam Insert Set1
746001-0001Storage Case, 2 ½” x 13 ½” x 10”1

Case Qty : 1

Item Info:
Item Title Kit Wmson Impvd Ekono-Case
Category: Equipment
Sales Unit of Measure EA1
Last Date/Time Modified 2/20/2025 2:37:09 PM